Property Tax Deferral

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If you're an Idaho homeowner, you might be eligible for the Idaho Property Tax Deferral (PTD) program. The program lets you postpone paying taxes on your home and up to one acre of land.

  • You must meet certain conditions of the property tax reduction (PTR) program.
  • For the 2021 program, your income for 2020 can't be more than $46,488.
  • You must pay the taxes and interest at a later time.

The Tax Commission and county assessors manage this program. Apply through your county assessor's office. The PTD brochure below has more information including how to file. You can also contact your county assessor's office or call us at (208) 334-7736.

Page last updated November 6, 2020. Last full review of page: November 21, 2018.

This information is for general guidance only. Tax laws are complex and change regularly. We can't cover every circumstance in our guides. This guidance may not apply to your situation. Please contact us with any questions. We work to provide current and accurate information. But some information could have technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. If there's a conflict between current tax law and this information, current tax law will govern.

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