Safety Manual

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The policy of Bonneville County is to protect the safety and health of our employees. Since personal injuries and property loss through accidents are needless, costly, and preventable, our goal is the elimination of all accidents and health hazards through establishing and following an aggressive safety and health program.

DEPARTMENT HEADS: Management’sbasicresponsibilityistheprevention ofacidents. Department heads must therefore support all safety procedures, training, and hazard elimination practices. The incentive to make the program work in your department must come from you. Managers must keep fully informed on all health and safety issues within their departments, and consistently review the effectiveness of current safety and health programs. Only by doing this will management continue to have the total confidence of its employees in providing for their safety and health.

SUPERVISORS: Supervisors are directly responsible for instruction of all employees under their jurisdiction in proper procedures and safety methods to be used in performing work duties, for taking immediate corrective measures to eliminate hazardous conditions and practices, and for the prevention of all accidents; whether personal injury or property damage. The supervisor must, at all times, enforce thesafetyprogram.Supervisorswilnotpermitsafetytobesacrificedforanyreason.Ifthejobcan’tbedone safely,don’tdoituntilalsafetyisueshavebenresolved.

EMPLOYEES: Each employee, regardless of position, must cooperate in every respect with the safety program. Someofthemajorpointsoftheprogramrequirethat:

  • All injuries and accidents must be reported immediately to your supervisor. Additionally, all “close-cals,”as well as unsafe conditions or practices must be reported promptly.
  • All employees, where required, must wear personal protection equipment.
  • Machine guards will be used and maintained in good condition. Machine without
  • adequate guards will not be used.
  • Hazardous conditions and other safety concerns must be reported immediately to your supervisor.
  • Personnel in the office or the shop will never perform unsafe tasks.

We are each responsible for our own safety, as well as the safety of fellow employees. Only by becoming aware of the hazards associated with the job and taking aggressive action to eliminate unsafe conditions can we achieve the safe working conditions all our employees deserve.

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